Manuel Wolfshant
2017-06-25 20:50:27 UTC
This brings me to the Device Dump List: (or if the first link is not working).
I am providing below two dumps for one UPS which is already in the listbut taken when I was using an old version of nut, as well as one for
Guardian LCD 1500 AP ( IGA1500LCD ) which is not in your list at all (
as well when I first reported about it )
a) Ablerex MARS MS3000RT
battery.charge: 100
battery.voltage: 108.48
battery.voltage.high: 104.00
battery.voltage.low: 83.20
battery.voltage.nominal: 96.0
device.mfr: Ablerex
device.model: MS3000RT
device.type: ups blazer_ser
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyUSB0
driver.version: 2.7.2
driver.version.internal: 1.56
input.current.nominal: 14.0
input.frequency: 50.0
input.frequency.nominal: 50
input.voltage: 230.6
input.voltage.fault: 190.0
input.voltage.nominal: 220
output.voltage: 220.0
ups.beeper.status: disabled
ups.delay.shutdown: 30
ups.delay.start: 180
ups.firmware: MS02035C
ups.load: 60
ups.mfr: Ablerex
ups.model: MS3000RT
ups.status: OL
ups.temperature: 38.2
ups.type: online
b)Guardian LCD 1500 AP ( IGA1500LCD ) ( more info including the config I
use is in my older message about this UPS )
battery.charge: 100
battery.runtime: 1200
battery.voltage: 27.70
battery.voltage.high: 27.7
battery.voltage.low: 21.2
device.type: ups nutdrv_qx
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: auto
driver.parameter.productID: 0000
driver.parameter.protocol: q1
driver.parameter.runtimecal: 120,100,480,50
driver.parameter.synchronous: no
driver.parameter.vendorid: 0001
driver.version: 2.7.4 Q1 0.07
driver.version.internal: 0.28
input.frequency: 50.0
input.voltage: 231.3
input.voltage.fault: 231.3
output.voltage: 231.3
ups.beeper.status: enabled
ups.delay.shutdown: 30
ups.delay.start: 180
ups.load: 10
ups.productid: 0000
ups.status: OL
ups.type: offline / line interactive
ups.vendorid: 0001