Ron J Taylor
2018-03-10 05:40:35 UTC

I have just purchased a Cyberpower CP1300EPFCLCD UPS.

It is not listed in your Compatibility List

I am very new to all this but do have a background in IT. I have been
retired for 18 years so am a bit out of touch so please excuse if I am a bit

I will try my best to explain my issue below.

When I plug my UPS into my Synology NAS DS216+II is identifies it as a
CP1500AVRLCD and uses the "usbhid-ups" which is based on publicly available
protocol so the list says.

The DS216 is acting as a NUT server and I have two Raspberry Pi's (RPi's)
running Debian "Jessie" and running "nut-client" so that they can be
gracefully shut down if a low battery signal is sent from the NUT server on
the NAS.

Hopefully the NAS will also shutdown after the clients. I have done a
simulated mains failure and the loss of mains is transmitted to the clients
from the server.

My agenda is to try and get the two incorrect values to be correct.

Everything works pretty well with the exception of two values. The Battery
Voltage should be 24V as it's a 2 x 12V system connected in series. The
OUTPUT voltage should be about 240-245V but is shown about 260 and I have
seen values up to 265V

I have checked the OUTPUT VOLTAGE on the UPS front panel and it's showing
the correct value, that is if the input voltage is 242V then the panel is
showing 242V as output voltage.

This is what I get when I run " upsc ***@" where is in
LAN IP address of NUT Server running on my Synology DS216+II NAS.

The highlighted values are the incorrect ones.

Init SSL without certificate database

battery.charge: 100

battery.charge.low: 10

battery.charge.warning: 20

battery.mfr.date: CPS

battery.runtime: 3990

battery.runtime.low: 300

battery.type: PbAcid

battery.voltage: 16.0

battery.voltage.nominal: 24

device.mfr: CPS

device.model: CP1300EPFCLCD

device.serial: CTNGO2000027

device.type: ups

driver.name: usbhid-ups

driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30

driver.parameter.pollinterval: 5

driver.parameter.port: auto

driver.version: DSM6-1-15205-171017-1-gf424baa

driver.version.data: CyberPower HID 0.3

driver.version.internal: 0.38

input.transfer.high: 260

input.transfer.low: 170

input.voltage: 243.0

input.voltage.nominal: 230

output.voltage: 260.0

ups.beeper.status: enabled

ups.delay.shutdown: 20

ups.delay.start: 30

ups.load: 6

ups.mfr: CPS

ups.model: CP1300EPFCLCD

ups.productid: 0501

ups.realpower.nominal: 780

ups.serial: CTNGO2000027

ups.status: OL

ups.test.result: No test initiated

ups.timer.shutdown: -60

ups.timer.start: -60

ups.vendorid: 0764

Can you help me please.

Thank you

Ron Taylor

Cairns Nth Qld Aust.
Charles Lepple
2018-03-10 14:32:54 UTC
Post by Ron J Taylor
I have just purchased a Cyberpower CP1300EPFCLCD UPS.
It is not listed in your Compatibility List http://networkupstools.org/stable-hcl.html
Thanks, we'll add that to the list. We have a few updates queued up for when we cut the next release, and one of them is a similar model:


Note that the EPFCLCD models seem to have some of the same issues as the PFCLCD models:


There are enough Cyber Power quirks that they get their own category in our issue tracker :-)

Post by Ron J Taylor
Everything works pretty well with the exception of two values. The Battery Voltage should be 24V as it’s a 2 x 12V system connected in series.
I'm not sure there's much we can do about this one. The UPS publishes a dummy value (sometimes shows up as 16V, sometimes the same as the nominal voltage), but I have heard that even the CyberPower software doesn't have a way to report the battery voltage.
Post by Ron J Taylor
The OUTPUT voltage should be about 240-245V but is shown about 260 and I have seen values up to 265V
I have checked the OUTPUT VOLTAGE on the UPS front panel and it’s showing the correct value, that is if the input voltage is 242V then the panel is showing 242V as output voltage.
It should be possible to fix this one at some point:


We just got a contribution of some code to be able to patch the descriptor data coming back from the UPS, but we would also need to adapt that to be specific to the Cyber Power devices. Not sure if that will make it into the next release, though.
Post by Ron J Taylor
ups.timer.shutdown: -60
ups.timer.start: -60
Your NAS firmware may take care of this, but you will want to make sure that your shutdown delay is greater than 60 seconds - the UPS only takes values in whole minutes, but NUT represents time in seconds (and rounds down, unfortunately).

Let us know if you have any other questions (be sure to use "Reply All" to include the mailing list).
Ron J Taylor
2018-03-10 21:57:42 UTC
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Charles Lepple
2018-03-10 23:41:39 UTC
Post by Ron J Taylor
Hello Charles,
Nice to make your acquaintance. J
Thanks for your detailed reply. I appreciate it greatly. I want to learn.
You're welcome!
Post by Ron J Taylor
I have read and tried to get my head around the information you have provided but as a lot of it is new to me I have some questions.
1. As I am connecting the Cyberpower CP1300ePFCLCD to my Synology NAS DS216+II via USB cable.
This makes the NAS a NUT Server and the NUT driver is part of the NAS operating system which I have no control over
Sounds correct to me.

Out of curiosity, does the NAS operating system let you connect to a remote NUT server?
Post by Ron J Taylor
a. Manufacturer = CPS
b. Model = CP1300EPFCLCD
c. Status = Connected
d. Battery 100%
e. Estimated Battery = 3390 seconds
The UPS is only Lightly loaded (about 7%) as I want a long run time due to frequent power outages. This USP runs my NAS, Modem/Router, Ether switches etc. It gives me plenty of time to start my Inverter Generator.
2. In the Information Tab of the Control panel The NAS reports the USB device as CP1500AVR UPS.
I have raise this difference of names with Synology but they have told me this is normal. I don’t know but my instinct tells me it’s not?
I am not familiar with Synology, so this is just a guess, but they may be looking things up based on the USB ID. FreeNAS has a similar logical disconnect, where they basically use the NUT Hardware Compatibility List as a menu to select which driver to configure (also internal to their OS). In both cases, there is a many-to-one mapping between the model name and the correct driver (if we only consider USB connections). In your case, CP1500AVR and CP1300EPFLCD both use the usbhid-ups driver.

Since the CPS hardware is mostly compliant to the USB HID PDC (Power Device Class) spec, the usbhid-ups driver can figure out some of the model-specific differences.
Post by Ron J Taylor
My question is if you release a new driver(s)/packages, does Synology have to do an update to the DSM for this to change? I would think so?
That would be the easiest method to get the update, yes.

If the Synology software allows you to connect to a remote NUT server (on a Raspberry Pi, for instance), and the driver connected to the remote server is updated, then the Synology software would see the corrected values from the updated driver. However, unless you need to record the output voltage for some reason, I'd say this is not worth spending too much time on the upgrade (given that the UPS itself displays the correct output voltage).

Note that the input voltage and output voltage should be identical unless the UPS is in a boost or buck mode ("ups.status" just shows "OL", and "input.voltage" is between "input.transfer.low" and "input.transfer.high" so I am guessing it is okay.)
Post by Ron J Taylor
I am assuming that as the NUT server, it would be the dominant device.
My other devices that are running the nut-client (eg Raspberry Pi’s) would be subservient to the NUT / NAS server?

A picture might help: http://networkupstools.org/docs/user-manual.chunked/ar01s03.html#_monitoring_diagrams

Right now, the Synology box is the master, and the blue "communication" line in the diagram is USB. If you plugged the UPS directly into a Raspberry Pi, then it would be the master.
Post by Ron J Taylor
3. ups.timer.shutdown: -60 and ups.timer.start: -60
Actually, these are slightly different. They are in seconds, but the negative value indicates that the timer isn't active at the moment.
Post by Ron J Taylor
I was assuming these values as correct as the LCD panel shows the battery run time as 60 minutes and the estimated battery time of 3390 seconds from the NAS is close enough and this figure does vary depending when and where I read it.
^ This part is correct.
Post by Ron J Taylor
I have simulated a MAINS FAILURE by turning off the power and the clients reported that they were on battery. I left it for about 5 minutes and all seems to be doing what it should.
I have set the Time before Diskstation enters safe Mode to 15 minutes on the NAS UPS panel. As the estimated battery time is 60 minutes the this gives me enough time to start the generator but only if I am at home! Hopefully, if I am not, and the mains outage continues the all will be gracefully shutdown on low battery and according to the HELP below it should all restart upon mains return. Well that’s the theory at this stage. When I am more knowledgeable I intend to test it fully but at this stage I want to be sure my planning is valid.
I can't argue with this, but my reading of the help text is that if you don't set the timer to 15 minutes, it will go into Safe Mode when the battery is low (10%, according to the battery.charge.low variable). The default would give you an estimated 54 minutes to start the generator before the NAS starts to shut down.
Post by Ron J Taylor
Safe Mode
When the Synology NAS enters Safe Mode, it stops all services and unmounts volumes in order to prevent data loss and shut down (halt for EDS14) safely when the UPS device runs out of power. By default, the system enters Safe Mode when the UPS device starts running low on power. You can also specify the amount of time before the Synology NAS enters Safe Mode when power failure occurs. However, if the UPS device reaches low battery before the specified time, the system enters Safe Mode immediately.
In situations when the Synology NAS shuts down during Safe Mode, it will automatically turn on when power is restored if you have enabled the Restart automatically after a power failure option (located at Control Panel > Hardware & Power > General).
4. When I update the packages on my Rasbian Jessie on my Raspberry Pi’s I usually use the apt-get update && apt-get upgrade Commands.
If you release a new driver/package will this pick it up? I am guessing it would by the looking at the URL below?
According to this URL https://packages.debian.org/jessie/nut-client When I look at this I am running 2.7.2-4.
Yes, but the thing about Debian stable releases is that they tend not to update packages unless there is a major fix (usually security-related).

There is also a channel called "backports" where you can request a newer Debian package (from stretch, for instance) to be back-ported to an older release like jessie.

Debian stretch has NUT 2.7.4, for instance.
